“Yellowstone” Fan Gets The Iconic “Y” Branded On His Chest
A Yellowstone fan got a little too carried away his favorite TV show while he was drinking with his buddies and did something he’s going to have branded on him for life.
Video footage posted to the Elmore Family’s YouTube channel shows the moment a group of young adults gathered together one evening to watch this fan get branded with the TV series’ iconic “Y” on his chest.
He stood there barechested with a shirt in his mouth to bite down on while another gentleman held up a hot iron cattle branding rod and pressed it to the fan’s chest.
As soon as it touched his skin, smoke went rising into the air from his burning skin and he could only let it stay there for a couple of seconds before grabbing the hot iron with his hand to pull it off of himself.
Everyone screamed as they watched the Yellowstone fan’s branding unfold before them and there were people there holding beer bottles in their hands so you can only suspect that they might have all been drinking.
According to Horsey Hooves, “In Yellowstone, characters get branded to signify they are a part of the ranch forever and to indicate their loyalty. The brand bounds wearers to the ranch and in a way, the ranch owns them now. Branding is often presented as an initiation or a ‘rite of passage.’ It’s something required to show that one is willing to make sacrifices. Those who receive the brand stand with the ranch, no matter how messy things get.”
Why exactly this fan got the “Y” branded on his chest, we may never know. But the video was definitely nothing short of jaw-dropping.