Dolly Parton Fulfills Dying Man’s Wish Days Before Christmas
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Dolly Parton Fulfills Dying Man’s Wish Days Before Christmas

Dolly Parton Made A Utah Man’s Christmas By Fulfilling His Wish To Meet Her Before He Died.

In early December, LeGrand Gold’s wife, Alice, posted a photo of her husband’s bucket list on social media in hopes that readers would help. She never expected that one of those bucket list items, meeting Dolly Parton, would actually happen.

LeGrand Gold has been battling colon cancer for two years. After receiving the news that his treatments were no longer working, LeGrand, who goes by L.G., wrote a list of 10 things he would like to accomplish before the end of his life. The list, written on a napkin, included visiting Chicago with Alice, attending a Natalie Merchant concert, going on an Alaskan cruise and meeting Dolly Parton.

LeGrand Gold wrote a bucket list on a napkin and included things he wanted to accomplish before he died.

Alice’s Post Sharing The List Went Viral On Social Media And Eventually Made Its Way To Dolly.

On the morning of Friday, December 22, L.G. received a call from a Tennessee area code. On the other end of the line was Dolly Parton.

“Well, I’m just happy to know I have a fan that devoted,” Parton said over the phone to Gold. “Hey LG, it’s Dolly B. I’ve heard you’ve been a fan of mine for many years, and I just wanted to thank you for that.”

She added, “I really do thank you for shooting out the word that you’d like to talk to me. I’m just happy that we got to kind of have our journey together in this lifetime,” said Parton. “I always want to make people happy with my music and with the things I do and the things I say and I’m just happy to know that I’ve touched your life in some way.”

“You’ve been a huge help, especially these past two years,” he responded.

“We love you for so many reasons, Dolly,” said Alice.

Parton concluded the call by saying, “Just know that I will always love you.” The then sang part of the hit song to L.G.

LeGrand told local news outlet, KSL TV, that he was thankful Dolly found the time to fulfill one of his bucket list items.

“It was really cool,” Gold said. “It made me feel good.”

Hear Dolly Parton’s call with LeGrand Gold in the video below.

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