Jelly Roll’s Wife Shares “Pretty Scary” News About Her Health
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Jelly Roll’s Wife Shares “Pretty Scary” News About Her Health

Jelly Roll’s Wife, Bunnie Xo, Shares Health Update After Undergoing An MRA

Jelly Roll’s wife, Bunnie Xo, recently received some “pretty scary” news about her health, and she’s opening up to her followers about her potential diagnosis.

On Tuesday (July 23), Bunnie shared on Facebook she was up early that morning to go in for an MRI/MRA. She asked her followers for tips to help her get through the scan since she is claustrophobic.

After the test, Bunnie shared an update in a series of videos on Snapchat. She told her followers the results show she may have an internal carotid artery aneurysm.

According to The Cleveland Clinic, an internal carotid artery aneurysm “is a bulge in one of the arteries supplying blood to your brain and nearby structures.” The Clinic states:

“Some people have no symptoms, but others have facial swelling, hoarseness or a throbbing lump they can feel in their neck. A carotid artery aneurysm may lead to a TIA (mini stroke) or stroke.“
The larger an internal carotid artery aneurysm gets, the more danger it poses.

Bunnie Xo Says She’s Really “Scared And Stressed” About Potential Diagnosis
Bunnie told her followers that she didn’t get contrast during her test, so the image was unclear. However, the possibility of her having an internal carotid artery aneurysm “can’t be ruled out, but it’s not confirmed, and it’s not denied.”

Calling her potential diagnosis “pretty scary stuff,” Bunnie said she’s been crying and praying a lot since her MRA.

“It seems like a lot of people in their sixties have this. So the fact that I have this at such a young age is crazy,” she said. “But God’s brought me this far, so there’s always a reason in the season, so we will figure it out…“

Bunnie said she’s really “scared and stressed” about the whole thing, but she’s putting her faith in God.

Next, Bunnie will see a neurosurgeon and get a CT scan with more contrast in the hopes of getting a clearer image. If she does have an internal carotid artery aneurysm, the next step will be surgery.

Bunnie Xo’s News Comes During A Year When Jelly Roll Has Actively Been Working On His Health

Health has been a big focus point for Jelly Roll and his wife this year. The “Dead End Road” singer has been on a health journey and has lost a significant amount of weight.

In May, Jelly Roll accomplished a huge fitness goal he set for himself. He completed his first 5K! Bunnie also participated in the 5K and celebrated with her husband after the race.

Jelly Roll has now set his sights on a “5K by Turkey Day,” and Bunnie will surely be there to support him for that, too.

We’ll be keeping Bunnie in our prayers as she continues on her quest for answers about her health.

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